EnK Aliens  Erasmus and Kinkajou Learning to Survive











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What Aliens 1 ?

Erasmus: EErasmus. This site will discuss Aliens. Why are they here? What are they doing here? What is their purpose?
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. That statement is problematic already. There are many eyewitness accounts that suggest that there are a number of different species of aliens actively pursuing “operations” on our planet.

Likely they all have different purposes for being here. Most of them appear to have no particular interest in us other than that which an extremely foreign tourist might have – that is – to observe, to record, to take specimens of flora and fauna.
However, evidence suggests that some of the aliens appear have a much more extensive agenda with humanity.

Goo: Goo the Numbat. Lots of authors have tried to look at the Alien presence and to discern their intent. Most either look at history or at events. What is your view?
Erasmus: EErasmus. What makes us different is that our view uses the lens of biology and technology, not of history. Too many stupid things keep getting said about the alien presence. The aliens are here to make “hybrids”. Alien and human combinations. What rot! Good TV – the X-Files. Not good sense!

Dr Xxxxx: Dr Xxxxx. True. Consider that humans and chimpanzees share 98% of their genetic material. They are largely identical. Yet they cannot interbreed. So, if two life forms evolve on different planets, what are the odds of having identical compatible DNA sequences- identical enough to interbreed -identical enough to create viable hybrids.

DNA codes for biological nano-machinery. The odds of these evolving to be sufficiently identical to be compatible are astronomically low. It is like considering the odds that a chimpanzee with no knowledge of English could purely at random generate a page of writing identical to a page from the Bible. In a page of writing with say 300 words and an average of 5 letters per word, the odds are 26 raised to the power of 1500 to achieve this goal. Randomly achieving compatibly identical DNA strands in disparate evolution is just as likely, (or unlikely).

So, if there is such a thing as an alien-human hybrid, what you are actually being told in the subtext, is that the alien has essentially human genetics, remarkably more similar to humanity than a chimpanzee’s genetics, (which are 98% identical).

Goo: Goo the Numbat. What about the rest of plants and animals on earth? How similar are they to humans?
Dr Xxxxx: Dr Xxxxx. I have read that Banana plants share about 60% homology in their DNA sequences to human beings.
But banana plants evolved on this planet- as far as we know. So, I cannot imagine that any life form, not of this planet would at random develop ANY DNA sequence homology with human beings. To be similar to us, you would need to evolve here.

Banana Tree Banana Tree
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. Unless you believe in the concept of “Directed Panspermia”. That Life has been seeded throughout the Galaxy or Universe by some higher form of life. Just depositing bacteria on likely orbiting rocks, would achieve the genesis of new life strands. But they would wear the marks of their creation in their DNA. The original sin- so to speak. The DNA would always tell the truth. The truth being that at some time, these life forms were once from somewhere else but that there are surprising similarities- too much to have been rendered by chance.

And the DNA homology with humans evolved on this earth would be low. Yes life started from the same basic coding blocks. But the directions of chance and evolution, especially if you started with the Directed Panspermia of lower microbes, would guarantee significant and rapid divergence of DNA sequences and organization – the development of low DNA homology. A level of homology that would make 60% seem miraculously identical.

Independently evolving lifeforms- lifeforms on different planets- would be expected to have essentially no DNA homology at all.

Erasmus: EErasmus. So, hybrids are No- Not Possible, unless they are derived from us. In effect, any creature "created "thus would be more like a new variety of human, in much the same way we have new varieties of chickens amongst chickens and new varieties of dogs amongst dogs.

Goo: Goo the Numbat. Back to the main game. Let’s talk about the Aliens. What species are there?

Kinkajou:Kinkajou.Everyone has heard of the “Grey” aliens. But there seems to be two different types of these. Short ones and much Taller ones. The short ones seem to be much more subservient to the larger ones. But they both have those characteristic big slanted eyes.

"Grey" Alien "Grey" Alien with autopsy sutures across chest.

There are “reptilian” aliens occasionally seen in association with these.

There are “Nordic” aliens that are essentially indistinguishable from normal humans apart from being generally a lot taller and very blonde. These aliens may also be attributed the names of “Space Brothers”, “Pleiadeans” (from the Pleiades) and occasionally identify as “Venusians”.

The term Nordic perhaps under-emphasizes that there seems to be numerous humanoid factions with different goals. Some of the Nordic humans are more “earth human” than “Nordic”.
In addition to the pure Nordics, there appear to be other essentially “human” factions- humans that at least on the surface are indistinguishable from normal humans, apart from some minor traits like having six fingers or having no nails on their fingers. We will leave these in the “Nordic” group, but it is obvious that there are a number of different human “varieties” visiting this planet, not just one.

Goo: Goo the Numbat. As you stated, Sort of like the different varieties of domesticated dogs or domesticated chickens.
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. An apt analogy. Has someone out there been domesticating humans and developing different varieties of these for different purposes. A definite possibility.
Though it is strange what can occur at random. In a small island in the Pacific, the population faced a cataclysmic event exterminating many of the people. The new population of human natives that arose from the survivors, were largely colourblind.

Purely at random, the survivors of the cataclysm possessed the colour-blindness genes. So, the children did as well. Perhaps this is an explanation for the existence of six fingered humans or humans without nails on the fingers. Not a deliberate development of new human varieties, but an accidental one.

But let’s get back to our talk about aliens visiting earth. The four basic types appear in the vast bulk of all alien contacts. (Greys *2, Reptilians, Nordics).

Erasmus: EErasmus. Then there are groups such as the “Men in Black” as well. Where do they fit in? (It remains to be seen).
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. The typical pattern of “Men in Black” contact involves a male witness to a UFO event  who then subsequently decides to report it. After reporting the event, two men dressed in conservative suits, often with white shirts, black ties and dark hats call at the witness’s home. There is often a third, a driver, who remains in the car. They are reported to  look like FBI agents from a B grade Hollywood movie. They also generally appear suntanned and have an oriental slant to their eyes. They may flash badges or other forms of identification and claim to be from some obscure sounding government department. They often appear physically awkward and ill at ease.

Their speech often appears to be melodramatic with some evidence of 1940s Hollywood script writer’s slang. They may often threaten the contactees and ask the contactees to recover for them any evidence they may have provided to authorities. They often tell the contactees that their families will suffer if they tell others about their experience.

MIB follow Contactees MIB follow Contactees

They will often arrive in a brand-new prestige model car although this may be 20 years out of date. Cadillacs are common in the US, Jaguars more commonly used in the UK and Europe. The license plates if checked, will be found to be invalid numbers. Frequently a third MIB remains in the vehicle, reportedly sitting in a purplish glow. The overall impression is threatening and menacing to the people involved.

Goo: Goo the Numbat. If these MIBs are aliens in human clothes, it seems to have taken them a while to finally wake up to the fact that 1930s dress codes in the 1950s and 60s is weird, but in the late 1990s is totally out of the question and inappropriate.

ETFO Shapes

An Advisory Chart to Help Identify Different Alien Ship Shapes

Erasmus: EErasmus. Any other Aliens?
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. There are a number of other supposed aliens whose identity is a lot less established, simply due to a much smaller number of interactions with humanity. For example, there are names such as Chupacabra, Little Green Men, the Flatwoods Monster, the Hopkinsville Goblin, Bigfoot, Fairies and others.

So if aliens or extra-terrestrials do exist, it is possible they may come from many different worlds and be of many different “species”.

And some of these odd ones are probably not terribly important in the scheme of things because we are unsure of their level of intelligence.


Erasmus: EErasmus. Such as?
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. The Chupacabra.
Also known as the goat sucker, it is a semi-legendary bloodsucking vampiric entity attacking human livestock throughout Mexico. It actually does – suck or drain all their blood. It mostly attacks sheep, sometimes chickens and goats: but rarely attacks large animals such as donkeys or cattle. It is described as like a big cat with wings, 3 foot tall, with a face like a kangaroo or a mouse, a small spiny back, and possessed of little hands and thick feet.

Chupacabra Supposedly: could be just a wierd dog maybe Chupacabra Supposedly:
could be just a wierd dog maybe. But how does that explain the "blood sucking"?

Erasmus: EErasmus. Maybe it’s something which escaped from an alien spaceship. We have cats and dogs as pets. Maybe they lost one of their pets, and it has been doing the best it can to keep itself alive.

Goo: Goo the Numbat. It can’t be breeding all proliferating very well because there never seem to be too many of them. So, the whole situation suggests the existence of a base with the occasional Chupacabra escaping, much like a dog or cat may wander away from home and get lost. I can’t imagine most EBEs taking one of these things with them as they fly around our planet on the spaceship. Just maybe the occasional alien with an affectation for little bloodsucking monsters.

Erasmus: EErasmus. Sounds like a reasonable explanation. The bloodsucking aspect may well be simply just difficulty finding a food that is suitable. For all we know in their homes with their alien masters, they may well just lap bowls of fruit juice purée with added milk.

Goo: Goo the Numbat. Certainly, makes some sense. I would think in having a pet, the first rule is to have something which is unlikely to kill you. But I have seen too many people breach this rule – humans with snakes, humans with feral dogs and cats, humans with poisonous insects and so on. So having a Chupacabra hanging around home, would not be my personal choice. But I’m sure the galaxy is full of many possibilities and many possible decisions for many possible intelligent entities.

So what comments have been made about the “Greys.”

Kinkajou:Kinkajou. Apparently the Greys are afraid of human physicality. The Greys are reported to weigh around the 20 to 30 kg mark, whereas the average human weighs around 70 kg plus. However, there seems to be very little fear of large domestic animals such as cattle, sheep or horses. There is no record of a large animal being returned alive – unlike human abductees. It would seem that despite of the superiority they portray, the Greys do not want to upset us too much for fear we may respond to them more aggressively. Being seen to be kidnapping people is a threat that cannot go unopposed.

The Greys seem to be the alien types most associated with displays of superiority in terms of spacecraft manoeuvring. They try to create the impression that their technology will allow them to do anything they wish. Their tech can neutralise and disrupt electronic analytical systems and defence installations as well. They can manipulate our sense of time and spatial reality.

Erasmus: EErasmus. Although I think this may be more likely an effect of drugs and holograms.
Kinkajou:Kinkajou. They can abduct people at will. They have tried hard to create an impression of being able to materialise and then de- materialise, and travel through solid objects.
Erasmus: EErasmus. Holograms are probably an easier explanation of the ability to travel through solid walls.

Kinkajou:Kinkajou. They work hard to create an impression of being able to control minds and of being telepathic. They also work hard to give the impression that much of the technology we have today may be sourced from them.
Erasmus: EErasmus. I think this is rubbish. Humans are incredibly clever and capable of developing just about anything.
If the EBEs / Greys  have given us an odd flying disc or two, which we do not have the capacity to understand or to duplicate, it would be in exchange for a license to pillage biological material – animal, vegetable or human. You would have to think that this is not a good trade. Here is an action which will be condemned by the rest of the world if the rest of the world knew about it.

There is little evidence to suggest they have any insightful plan or goodwill towards the human world. Also, the bulk of human contacts appearing to be with the developed world only. If you are really concerned about helping humanity – why not start with those most in need – in the underdeveloped world?

Kinkajou:Kinkajou. Yes. Why have we not achieved so much more with the cooperation of our visitors? What evidence is there that they have assisted us with those issues they tell us frequently they are here to save us from: cancer, radioactivity, and nuclear technologies? Why do they just stare at us as we struggle with space exploration?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
The general long-term consequences of contact – with the Greys – rarely appear to be beneficial or pleasant. They seem to act as if we are in a zoo owned by these aliens which they can visit and perform procedures and examinations on, thus much as we would on zoo animals.

Erasmus: EErasmus. So, we believe they may be up to something. Doings things that would make sense to us, if only we knew their true purpose.


Commandant: The Commandant. But isn’t the first question really whether aliens exist at all?

Goo: Goo the Numbat. There have been too many sightings by too many people with too many consistent stories to doubt the existence of aliens. In fact, any schoolchild could probably draw a picture of an alien – a Grey, even though there is no accepted or definite evidence that aliens have visited Earth or even that they exist at all.

Erasmus: EErasmus. Yes. I have met ordinary people who claim to have seen moving lights in the sky which are not consistent with planes, satellites or meteors. They can describe trajectories that are physically impossible with the sciences available to humanity today. In short, they truly have seen unidentified flying objects – likely ETFOs (extra-terrestrial flying objects).
Too many airline pilots or military pilots in their careers are also faced with inexplicable witnessed events – definite UFOs (ETFOs).

Reader's Digest Reader's Digest

Goo: Goo the Numbat. My personal favorite for being a believer is that the issue of the existence of aliens has been broached by some Reader’s Digest books. If the Reader’s Digest is accepting that aliens exist, I think that should be good enough for the rest of humanity.

Kinkajou:Kinkajou.Too true. If staid and conservative institutions accept the existence of aliens, it can only be on the basis of the presence of a “tidal wave “ of evidence.










Erasmus: Erasmus.


Goo: Goo the Numbat.

Dr Xxxxx: Dr Xxxxx.

Dr Axxxx: Dr Axxxx

Commandant: The Commandant.